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egovframe / 개발환경 C:\KEPCOencDev bin apache-tomcat-7.0.75 eGovFrameDev-3.5.1-32bit jdk1.7.0_80_32bit mavenRepository ant ... workspace egov C:\eGovFrame3.7 workspace tomcat9 mavenrepository java_1.8.0 eclipse apache-tomcat-8.5.32 2020. 4. 17.
YONA / backup / restore #YONA 1. 백업 1.1 기존설치된 OS정보, yona정보 , DB정보 1.2 DB백업 1.3 YONA백업 2. 복구 2.1 OS 재설치 2.2 DB재설치 2.3 YONA 압축풀기 2.4 DB복구 2.5 YONA DATA 복구 ------------------------------------------------ 1. 백업 1.1 기존설치된 OS정보, yona정보 , DB정보 1.2 DB백업 1.3 YONA백업 2. 복구 2.1 OS 재설치 2.2 DB재설치 2.3 YONA 압축풀기 2.4 DB복구 2.5 YONA DATA 복구 2020. 4. 17.
crontab / crond 1. OS version [root@instance-1 ~]# cat /etc/*release* CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 1. crond 프로세스 확인 [root@instance-1 ~]# service crond status Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status crond.service● crond.service - Command Scheduler Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/crond.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) ... [root@instance-1 ~]# 2. crond 시작/정지/재시작 [root@instan.. 2020. 4. 17.
yum / update / 자동 업데이트 yum -y install yum-cron systemctl enable yum-cron systemctl restart yum-cron 설정파일 vi /etc/yum/yum-cron.conf .. [email] # The address to send email messages from. # NOTE: 'localhost' will be replaced with the value of system_name. email_from = root@localhost # List of addresses to send messages to. email_to = root # Name of the host to connect to to send email messages. email_host = localhost .. 2020. 4. 17.