Sub 추가_Click()
'Sheet2를 Sheet1 앞에다 복사하기
'Worksheets("form").Copy After:=Worksheets("form")
Dim rngCnt As Integer
Dim rngColCnt As Integer
Dim sRow As Integer
Dim eRow As Integer
Dim sCol As Integer
Dim rngEnd As Range
Dim rng As Range: Set rng = Selection '// 선택된 영역
rngCnt = Selection.Rows.Count '// 선택된 영역의 총 Row 수
rngColCnt = Selection.Columns.Count '// 선택된 영역의 총 Row 수
sRow = Selection.Row '// 선택된 영역의 첫번째 행의 위치 반환 절대값 row
sCol = Selection.Column '// 선택된 영역의 첫번째 col의 위치 반환
eRow = Selection.Row + Selection.Rows.Count - 1 '// 선택된 영역의 마지막 행 위치 반환
'MsgBox "첫번째 행은 " & sRow & "마지막 행은 " & eRow & "전체 선택한 행의 수는 " & rngCnt
'MsgBox "첫번째 col은 " & sCol
'MsgBox "마지막 행은 " & eRow
'MsgBox "전체 선택한 행의 수는 " & rngCnt
Dim strFileDir As String
strFileDir = "c:\temp\"
If rngColCnt <> 57 Then
MsgBox "A열 ~BE열 을 선택하세요. (57개열)"
''MsgBox "There are " & rngColCnt & " items."
'선택한 row만큼 반복
Dim i As Integer
Dim strTestNo As String '//순번
Dim strTestTitle As String '//물품명
Dim strA As String '//A열값입력
Dim strB As String '//B열값입력
Dim strC As String '//C열값입력
Dim strD As String '//D열값입력
Dim strE As String '//E열값입력
Dim strF As String '//F열값입력
Dim strG As String '//G열값입력
Dim strH As String '//H열값입력
Dim strI As String '//I열값입력
Dim strJ As String '//J열값입력
Dim strK As String '//K열값입력
Dim strL As String '//L열값입력
Dim strM As String '//M열값입력
Dim strN As String '//N열값입력
Dim strO As String '//O열값입력
Dim strP As String '//P열값입력
Dim strQ As String '//Q열값입력
Dim strR As String '//R열값입력
Dim strS As String '//S열값입력
Dim strT As String '//T열값입력
Dim strU As String '//U열값입력
Dim strV As String '//V열값입력
Dim strW As String '//W열값입력
Dim strX As String '//X열값입력
Dim strY As String '//Y열값입력
Dim strZ As String '//Z열값입력
Dim strAA As String '//AA열값입력
Dim strAB As String '//AB열값입력
Dim strAC As String '//AC열값입력
Dim strAD As String '//AD열값입력
Dim strAE As String '//AE열값입력
Dim strAF As String '//AF열값입력
Dim strAG As String '//AG열값입력
Dim strAH As String '//AH열값입력
Dim strAI As String '//AI열값입력
Dim strAJ As String '//AJ열값입력
Dim strAK As String '//AK열값입력
Dim strAL As String '//AL열값입력
Dim strAM As String '//AM열값입력
Dim strAN As String '//AN열값입력
Dim strAO As String '//AO열값입력
Dim strAP As String '//AP열값입력
Dim strAQ As String '//AQ열값입력
Dim strAR As String '//AR열값입력
Dim strAS As String '//AS열값입력
Dim strAT As String '//AT열값입력
Dim strAU As String '//AU열값입력
Dim strAV As String '//AV열값입력
Dim strAW As String '//AW열값입력
Dim strAX As String '//AX열값입력
Dim strAY As String '//AY열값입력
Dim strAZ As String '//AZ열값입력
Dim strBA As String '//BA열값입력
Dim strBB As String '//BB열값입력
Dim strBC As String '//BC열값입력
Dim strBD As String '//BD열값입력
Dim strBE As String '//BE열값입력
Dim img As Variant
'img = Application.GetOpenFilename(filefilter:="Picture Files,*.jpg;*.bmp;*.tif;*.gif;*.png")
'존재여부확인후 추가
For i = 1 To rng.Rows.Count
strTestNo = sRow + i - 1 '선택한 해당 row값을 sheet명으로 함
strA = rng(i, 1) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "A").Value
strB = rng(i, 2) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "B").Value
strC = rng(i, 3) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "C").Value
strD = rng(i, 4) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "D").Value
strE = rng(i, 5) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "E").Value
strF = rng(i, 6) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "F").Value
strG = rng(i, 7) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "G").Value
strH = rng(i, 8) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "H").Value
strI = rng(i, 9) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "I").Value
strJ = rng(i, 10) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "J").Value
strK = rng(i, 11) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "K").Value
strL = rng(i, 12) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "L").Value
strM = rng(i, 13) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "M").Value
strN = rng(i, 14) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "N").Value
strO = rng(i, 15) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "O").Value
strP = rng(i, 16) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "P").Value
strQ = rng(i, 17) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "Q").Value
strR = rng(i, 18) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "R").Value
strS = rng(i, 19) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "S").Value
strT = rng(i, 20) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "T").Value
strU = rng(i, 21) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "U").Value
strV = rng(i, 22) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "V").Value
strW = rng(i, 23) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "W").Value
strX = rng(i, 24) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "X").Value
strY = rng(i, 25) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "Y").Value
strZ = rng(i, 26) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "Z").Value
strAA = rng(i, 27) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AA").Value
strAB = rng(i, 28) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AB").Value
strAC = rng(i, 29) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AC").Value
strAD = rng(i, 30) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AD").Value
strAE = rng(i, 31) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AE").Value
strAF = rng(i, 32) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AF").Value
strAG = rng(i, 33) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AG").Value
strAH = rng(i, 34) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AH").Value
strAI = rng(i, 35) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AI").Value
strAJ = rng(i, 36) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AJ").Value
strAK = rng(i, 37) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AK").Value
strAL = rng(i, 38) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AL").Value
strAM = rng(i, 39) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AM").Value
strAN = rng(i, 40) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AN").Value
strAO = rng(i, 41) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AO").Value
strAP = rng(i, 42) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AP").Value
strAQ = rng(i, 43) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AQ").Value
strAR = rng(i, 44) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AR").Value
strAS = rng(i, 45) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AS").Value
strAT = rng(i, 46) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AT").Value
strAU = rng(i, 47) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AU").Value
strAV = rng(i, 48) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AV").Value
strAW = rng(i, 49) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AW").Value
strAX = rng(i, 50) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AX").Value
strAY = rng(i, 51) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AY").Value
strAZ = rng(i, 52) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "AZ").Value
strBA = rng(i, 53) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "BA").Value
strBB = rng(i, 54) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "BB").Value
strBC = rng(i, 55) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "BC").Value
strBD = rng(i, 56) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "BD").Value
strBE = rng(i, 57) 'rng.Cells(sRow, "BE").Value
'시트추가 관련
If worksheet_exists(strTestNo) Then
MsgBox strTestNo & " 시트존재"
'MsgBox "없음"
'Debug.Print strTestNo '시험번호
'Debug.Print strTestTitle '시험제목
If Trim(strTestNo) = "" Then
MsgBox "순번이 공백입니다."
Worksheets("FORM").Copy After:=Worksheets(Sheets.Count) '제일끝에 추가
'시트명 변경
Sheets(Sheets.Count).name = Trim(strTestNo)
'추가한 시트에 값 입력
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B2").Value = strA 'A열 취득일자(B2)
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("F2").Value = strB 'B열 제정일자(F2)
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B3").Value = strC 'C열 규격번호(B3)
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("F3").Value = strD 'D열 폐지일자(F3)
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B4").Value = strE 'E열 □자산구분(비유동,부외)
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B6").Value = strH 'H열 대분류명
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("F6").Value = strJ 'J열 중
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B7").Value = strL 'L열 소
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("F7").Value = strN 'N열 세
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B8").Value = strP 'P열 품명
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B9").Value = strR 'R열 품목
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B10").Value = strS 'S열 형태
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("F10").Value = strT 'T열 재질
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B11").Value = strU 'U열 색상
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("F11").Value = strV 'V열 제조사
'Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B30").Value = strW 'W열 비품지급등급공통
'Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B30").Value = strX 'X열 S
'Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B30").Value = strY 'Y열 A
'Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B30").Value = strZ 'Z열 B1
'Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B30").Value = strAA 'AA열 B2
'Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B30").Value = strAB 'AB열 C
'Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B30").Value = strAC 'AC열 D
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("F12").Value = strAD 'AD열 단위
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B13").Value = strAE 'AE열 태그사이즈
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("G13").Value = strAF 'AF열 프로그램자산
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B15").Value = strAG 'AG열 □계약정보계약일자(YYYYMMDD)
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("F15").Value = strAH 'AH열 수량
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B16").Value = strAI 'AI열 상대방
'Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B30").Value = strAJ 'AJ열 계약체결통보서
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B18").Value = strAK 'AK열 □검교정관리대상(Y ,N)
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B30").Value = strAL 'AL열 방법
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B30").Value = strAM 'AM열 주기단위
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B30").Value = strAN 'AN열 주기
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B21").Value = strAO 'AO열 □태그관리태그종류
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B23").Value = strAP 'AP열 □세부사양1
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B24").Value = strAQ 'AQ열 2
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B25").Value = strAR 'AR열 3
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B26").Value = strAS 'AS열 4
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B27").Value = strAT 'AT열 5
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("F23").Value = strAU 'AU열 6
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("F24").Value = strAV 'AV열 7
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("F25").Value = strAW 'AW열 8
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("F26").Value = strAX 'AX열 9
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("F27").Value = strAY 'AY열 10
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B28").Value = strAZ 'AZ열 폐기대상여부(Y/N)
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("C28").Value = "현위치 : " & strBA & " -> 전환 : " & strBB 'BA열 위치현위치
'Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B30").Value = strBB 'BB열 전환위치
'Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B30").Value = strBC 'BC열 파일1
'Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B30").Value = strBD 'BD열 2
'Sheets(Sheets.Count).Range("B30").Value = strBE 'BE열 3
If Dir(strFileDir & strBC & ".jpg") <> "" Then
With ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(strFileDir & strBC & ".jpg").ShapeRange
.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
.Height = 135 'A5.Height '선택한 영영의 높이
.Width = 140 'A5.Width
.Left = 10 'A5.Left
.Top = 540 'A5.Top
End With
End If
If Dir(strFileDir & strBD & ".jpg") <> "" Then
With ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(strFileDir & strBD & ".jpg").ShapeRange
.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
.Height = 135 'A5.Height '선택한 영영의 높이
.Width = 140 'A5.Width
.Left = 150 'A5.Left
.Top = 540 'A5.Top
End With
End If
If Dir(strFileDir & strBE & ".jpg") <> "" Then
With ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(strFileDir & strBE & ".jpg").ShapeRange
.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
.Height = 135 'A5.Height '선택한 영영의 높이
.Width = 140 'A5.Width
.Left = 290 'A5.Left
.Top = 540 'A5.Top
End With
End If
End If
End If
'활성화 시트명
End If 'If rngColCnt <> 57 Then
End Sub
Function worksheet_exists(name)
worksheet_exists = False
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If = name Then worksheet_exists = True
Next ws
End Function
Sub 이동_Click()
Dim rngCnt As Integer
Dim rngColCnt As Integer
Dim sRow As Integer
Dim eRow As Integer
Dim sCol As Integer
Dim rngEnd As Range
Dim rng As Range: Set rng = Selection '// 선택된 영역
rngCnt = Selection.Rows.Count '// 선택된 영역의 총 Row 수
rngColCnt = Selection.Columns.Count '// 선택된 영역의 총 Row 수
sRow = Selection.Row '// 선택된 영역의 첫번째 행의 위치 반환
sCol = Selection.Column '// 선택된 영역의 첫번째 col의 위치 반환
eRow = Selection.Row + Selection.Rows.Count - 1 '// 선택된 영역의 마지막 행 위치 반환
'MsgBox "첫번째 행은 " & sRow & "마지막 행은 " & eRow & "전체 선택한 행의 수는 " & rngCnt
'MsgBox "첫번째 col은 " & sCol
'MsgBox "마지막 행은 " & eRow
'MsgBox "전체 선택한 행의 수는 " & rngCnt
Dim strTestNo As String
Dim strTestTitle As String
Debug.Print rngColCnt & "_" & sCol & "_" & sRow '시험제목
If rngColCnt >= 1 And sCol = 1 Then
strTestNo = sRow '순번
'MsgBox "시험번호 선택, (1개열) ok "
Debug.Print strTestNo
If worksheet_exists(strTestNo) Then
'활성화 시트명
MsgBox "[" & strTestNo & "]시트 없음"
End If
MsgBox "순번을 선택하세요. (1~7개열)"
End If
End Sub
Function worksheet_exists(name)
worksheet_exists = False
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If = name Then worksheet_exists = True
Next ws
End Function
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